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Initiative aimed at contrasting educational poverty

UniCredit Foundation launches the "Call for Education 2023”, to fund educational projects in the following countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia

Early school leaving and failure to acquire adequate skills for continuing university studies or entering the job market are widespread phenomena in most European countries. This is due to several factors, but largely depends on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the families and of the territories where children are born and grow up. The school represents an essential defence in the contrast of inequalities. Only a quality school can give equal learning opportunities to all students and, above all, to those who are most disadvantaged.

The call intends to identify and support projects contrasting educational poverty in favour of lower and upper secondary school students (11-19 age group), carried out by non-profit organizations with particular focus on:

• tackling early school leaving;

• encouraging university attainment;

• acquisition of adequate skills to enter the job market.

The Call closed next September, 8, 2023.

The winners will be published by the end of November.




1.       CAPE 10 die gemeinnützige Stiftung

Amount: 300,000€

2.       Vienna Hobby Lobby

Amount: 333,506 €


3.       GUS - Gruppo Umana Solidarietà Guido Poletti APS

Amount: 123,710 €


4.       Udruga Profesor Balthazar

Amount: 188,300 €

5.       SOS Children's Village Croatia

Amount: 101,760 €


6.       Rokit, z.s.

Amount: 164,860 €

7.       Chance 4 Children

Amount: 175,000 €


8.       Joblinge e.V.

Amount: 150,000 €

9.      TeachCom Edutainment gGmbH

Amount: 375,000 €


10.   Bagázs Public Benefit Association

Amount: 154,380 €

11.   Technológiai Oktatásért Alaptívány

Amount: 216,370 €


12.   Soc. Coop. Soc. In-presa

Amount: 149,942 €

13.  Centro Calabrese di Solidarietà

Amount: 132,764 €

14.  Coop. Soc. Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII

Amount: 190,400 €


15.   Friends of Children of Serbia

Amount: 128,170 €


16.   Cestavon

Amount: 155,840 €

17.   Aj Ty v IT

Amount: 150,000 €


18.    Association of Friends of Youth Ljubljana Moste-Polje

Amount: 53,476 €

UniCredit Foundation

UniCredit Foundation purpose is to unlock the potential of Europe’s next generation by providing them with equal education opportunities, and to empower them to become the changemakers of our society.

UniCredit Foundation aims to fight educational poverty in the countries in which UniCredit operates, by prioritising three areas of impact: School, combatting school drop-out; Job, enhancing employability; University, encouraging university attainment and supporting study and research.

For more info UniCredit Foundation (

How to apply

To apply for the UniCredit Foundation’s calls, organizations must complete the online application form, under the penalty of being excluded from the selection process.


  1. To participate in the call, it is necessary to click on the APPLY button and enter the login credentials for idea360.
  2. You can get the credentials (username and password) through the registration procedure.
  3. You will receive an e-mail message with a confirmation link. Click on it to complete your registration.
  4. You can open your application and add any further information as many times as you want until you click on the <Submit> button.
  5. Submit your application only when you consider it completed and all the requested documentation has been attached.
  6. No further modifications are allowed when the application is submitted.